Tuesday 15 March 2011

Games Night

Turned up at the club last night a few games going on, Boer war, couple of DBA games and a 7 years war engaement.

Ian brought a long a copy of Worthington Games' Wars for America boardgame. The scenario played was Fort Duquesne - French and Indians (me) ambush a British column (Jim) escorting supplies as they close in on the French Fort ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braddock_expedition ) . The game played well and the result fell to the French, the Indians being very effective picking off the British from the surrounding woods, the game outcome actually reflected the historical outcome - and I managed to pick off Washington.

Only gripes were the way unit strength is denoted by the value being printed in the corners and the unit rotated and flipped, if the counters are knocked it's easy to lose track of the units strength. Also the number of dice thrown to resolve combat remains the same however damaged the unit is. The thought was to replace the playing pieces with 6mm figures, the number of figures reflecting the unit strength.

Large Napoleonics game on Saturday - must remember to take the camera.

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